This is Mnkyking (monkey king) or Robin, Founder of Hero's Legend Studios. We have begun our journey in RPG Maker MZ developing our first game The Spring Grimoires. We currently have an early demo available now on Windows and MAC and we hope you enjoy playing our game. Please join my game development journey on my Twitch streams and even take part in adding in your own ideas to this ongoing community game. We will continue to learn and
I have over 9 years of experience doing game and software development, although I spend much of my professional time developing desktop and mobile applications I spend my personal time developing video games. I have taken a few years away from video game development and found a new passion in using RPG Maker MZ. I find RPG Maker MZ to be a much more calming and relaxing way to create games and plan on continuing my game development in RMMZ.
Please visit our website to see more of our projects outside of RMMZ we are working on or have published.